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For our climate – growing more trees

Our planet, our climate and our future are more threatened than ever before by the constantly advancing climate change. The consequences are already visible: We are facing droughts, floods and storms in a way we have never experienced before.


We all need to start acting now. We at mbw take this issue very seriously

Trees are important helpers against global warming. According to estimates, the global average tree can absorb around 10 kg CO2 per year. The exact figure depends on many factors, including the tree species and the age of the tree.

That does not sound like much, but it's the quantity that counts! Trees are our friends.

Several advantages of trees

  • Trees absorb carbon and slow down climate change
  • Trees have a beneficial impact on biodiversity
  • Trees protect against flooding, becuase they only absorb water. (Keyword: Waterlogged cities)
  • Trees can improve the air quality
  • The sight of green trees can help imrove the mental and physical health
  • Trees provide valuable wood as an energy-saving resource

That makes it even worse that large areas of the tropical rainforest are lost every year.

mbw tree partnerships – trees in different regions of the world

Forest destruction in the Amazon recently rose to its highest level in five years. The nature conservation organization WWF reported in September 2022: "Between January and August 2022, according to the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), 5,463 square kilometers of forest were destroyed in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest – an area six times the size of Berlin."

Tropical forests are one of the most valuable ecosystems on earth. But not just her. All over the world, trees help to compensate for CO2 in the long term and increase biodiversity.

We at mbw have recently started offering tree sponsorships, which enable us, in collaboration with our customers, to make an active contribution to climate protection. And every new employee receives a tree as a gift when they start.

Since October 2022, we have already planted 95 trees in various regions of the world. There are already trees in the USA, Colombia, Nepal, Senegal, Spain and France that were planted there thanks to our sponsorship. As a result, according to tree-nation, we have already been able to offset over 7.4 tons of CO2 to date. And that should only be the beginning.

In addition, we all try not to just pay lip service to the topic of sustainability and environmental protection, but to live it with conviction.

Our mbw forest:

This is how trees store carbon dioxide:

A little biology refresher course:

Trees remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as part of photosynthesis. Using light energy, they produce glucose for metabolic processes. Oxygen is released.

Dr. Daniel Klein (Forest Center at the University of Münster) calculatedt:
“Imagine a normal beech tree (grown in a stand) that is 23 meters high and has a diameter of around 30 centimeters with a trunk height of 1.30 meters. This tree stores approximately 550 kilograms of dry matter in its leaves, branches and trunk. If you add about ten percent stored in the root biomass, a total of around 600 kilograms of dry matter is bound. This amount of dry matter can bind one ton of CO2. The weight of the dry matter is therefore less than the amount of CO2 bound because oxygen is also released during photosynthesis.

In order to be able to absorb one ton of CCO2 the beech tree has to grow for around 80 years. This means that the beech tree binds 12.5 kilograms of CO2 per year. So you would have to plant 80 trees to offset one tonne of CO2 through trees every year. It should be noted that trees tend to store small amounts of biomass in the first few years after planting. Only with increasing age is more CO2 bound.”


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