
Communication through the ages

How language has changed, what forms of communication do we live and experience today

Language is a fundamental feature of human society and culture. It enables us to communicate, share ideas and express our thoughts and feelings. Since the dawn of human civilization, communication has been an essential part of life. It is still a large part of our lives today, but has changed significantly over the centuries. While the basic concepts of language and communication have not changed, the forms and media we use to transmit information have evolved dramatically.

From old German to modern German

One example of the change in language is the development from old German to modern German. Old German was spoken by the Germanic tribes and was the basis for today's German language. Over time, however, the language was influenced by many other langauges, mostly notably Latin, French and English. This influence led to a large number of changes in grammar, pronunciation and spelling.

Technology in communication

Another factor, influencing the transformation of language, is the spread of technology and communication. For example, the invention of writing in ancient Greece marked the beginning of a new era of communication. From then on, thoughts and ideas could be recorded and transmitted over long distances. With the invention of the telephone in the late 19th century, personal communication was once again taken to a new level. Suddenly it was possible to talk to people all over the world as if they were standing right next to you.

SMS, e-mail & co.

Another groundbreaking technology is set to change the way we communicate once again – the internet. The use of SMS, email and social mediahas led to the emerge of a new form of short text and acronyms used in digital communication. These short forms and abbreviations have entered the spoken language and even formal writing style. The internet also provides users with a wide range of platforms for communication. Texts, images, videos and even voice messages can be sent on these platforms. And: all of this is possible in real time. It is now also possible to make video calls or take part in video conferences from anywhere in the world. This new way of communication offers many advantages: Global networking can be done in the blink of an eye and communication is fast and effective. We are also more flexible thanks to modern communication channels and even have the option of working from home.

Challenges & misunderstandings

However, modern technologies also confront us with disadvantages and challenges. These include the loss of personal relationships. Modern communication channels can make us feel less personally connected. By foregoing face -to-face conversations and interaction, it can be more difficult to build and maintain relationships. Misunderstandings can occur more often through the use of text messages and emails due to the lack of tone of voice and body language. In addition, modern communication methods lead  to constant distractions, making it increasingly difficult to focus on what is important. One phenomenon that almost everyone has probably observed in themselves is the urge to be constantly available. This is also a source of distraction. We take care to protect our data and create an attack surface for hackers and unauthorized third parties who repeatedly gain access to sensitive data. This can result in identity theft , for example, or the loss of valuable data that could secure our livelihoods. Social media makes cyberbullying or the exchange of hate speech online comparatively easy, as a wide reachc and high visibility can be quickly established here.

Changing language

However, the changing nature of language also shows that language is not a rigid construct, but rather a constantly evolving phenonenon that adapts to the needs and development of society. It reflects the changes that take place in the way we live together and is an important indicator of progress and development of society. It reflects the changes that take place in the way we live together and is an important indicator of progress and development. New ways of communicating offer numerous possibilities and opportunities. As a society, however, it is just as important to recognize the disadvantages and take action against them.

Caroline von der Marwitz, CEO, hbw Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, Head of Digital Services, Corporate Communications

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Caroline von der Marwitz

+49 89 551 78-324

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